Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Mango Tree

I stand by..
feeling the breeze of the beautiful hill...
the hovering moon..
its shine looking over us
like a guardian angel...

I stand tall,
I stand strong...
My branches speak of experience..
Of past glory...

But I am pained..

I stand at the curve...
The zigzag mountain path..
The treacherous road..
The serpent of the mountain..

I stand aside at a turn..

I can see the approaching headlights
I feel the carefree laughter..
I feel the sleepy eyes of the driver..

Aah! The screeching of brakes..
The vain-ness of it all..
It wounds my soul!!
The gushing sound of the car rushing by...
The oblivion behind me...
waiting with its mouth open..

And then there is this silence..
The deafening silence..
and I curse myself...
for i could do nothing...
I just hear myself weeping...

My heart turns to stone slowly and slowly...
So much pain I had to see..
Over the years, I could no longer hear myself weep..

And then one day,
Life changed..
When She came...
The marvelous enlightening shine..
I could feel life flow inside me once again..

her entwining whiteness around me..
warning drivers at the right moment...

She makes me feel the beauty once again..
The moon shines on us...
I can feel the cool breeze once again...

And I could again feel...
That I stand tall..
That I am there...
That I exist..

I love you my soul...

Saturday, March 7, 2009


The earth cowers in the fiery rays..
The trees look for respite..
The heat is unbearable..
A dog lazies down...

The sun's temper flares...

He watches in awe..
He wishes for something to curb the heat..

He wishes for someone...

A wind blows...
Is it his friends???
Or is it her??
But all it brings is more Dust..

How will he survive...?
He looks up defying the rays..
There is no cloud in sight..

Will there be respite?

He wonders..


Then He smiles...
Because He knows he has something...
that even the blazing heat
or the tormenting dust
can take it from him...

He smiles...
Because he can hope...
Because he can wait for her...
Because he knows...
She will come..
She will come...